Sunday, December 9, 2007


Growing up in Amherstburg in the 50’s was a very rewarding experience for me because I had eleven siblings, and there was always something going on. There was never, ever a dull moment. My family was always teasing one another and having fun.

My brother Clayton and my father raised some chickens and it seemed at one point that someone was stealing our chickens.
My brother decided that he was going to wait up for the chicken thief and surprise them (he had a bb gun, you see). So this particular night, he laid wait for the thief and when he heard the clucking of the chickens, he shot his bb gun. At that moment he heard a loud “OW!” and knew he had hit his target.

The next day, he realized who the chicken thief was because of that person’s injury. Lo and behold, it was one of his acquaintances who lived down the street and lied about his injury. My brother never let on that he knew it was him, but he never had any problems with his chickens being stolen again. We all had a good laugh and he had a hilarious memory and story to boast about (in looking back).

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